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A provisional list of the
reviews added to 18th century
editions digitized by
Internet Archive and Google
Beaumarchais 1
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - June 11, 2018
Subject: Dufour's edition of Beaumarchais, Œuvres complètes
This is volume 3 of the Œuvres complètes de Beaumarchais published without any address in 1780 (Brian N. Morton and Donald C. Spinelly, Beaumarchais : A bibliography, Ann Arbour, The Olivia and Hill Press, 1988, p. 110, n° 641). It has been printed by Jean-Edme Dufour and Philippe Roux in Maastricht (The Netherlands). A Paris or London printing has been erroneously suggested (E. Picot, 'Additions et corrections au livre de Cordier sur Beaumarchais', Revue critique d'histoire et de littérature 16, 1883, p. 448-57). The ornaments of this edition have been identified in 17 printings known to be by Dufour and Roux (See D. Droixhe, 'La philosophie avec style: Dufour et Roux' in 'Signatures clandestines et autres essais sur les contrefaçons de Liège et de Maastricht au 18e siècle', Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 2001:10, Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 2001, p. 49-198.
Beaumarchais 2
Access to the volume: https://books.google.be
A Liège counterfeit by the printer François-Joseph Desoer, identified by the title-page vignette (vase and flowers) and the engraved unframed headpiece (horn and flowers), p. [5]. It is missing in Brian N. Morton and Donald C. Spinelly, Beaumarchais : A bibliography, Ann Arbour, The Olivia and Hill Press, 1988. See D. Droixhe, 'Contrefaçons liégeoises et maestrichtoises de Beaumarchais. Un exercice bibliographique', Bulletin de l'Institut archéologique liégeois 107, 1996, 413-482 - http://hdl.handle.net/2268/1704; 'Editions liégeoises du théâtre de Beaumarchais ', in 'Signatures clandestines et autres essais sur les contrefaçons de Liège et de Maastricht au 18e siècle', Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 2001:10, Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 2001, p. 87-95 ill. 07.001-07.030.
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - July 25, 2018
Subject: Bienville Nymph. Rey 71
The BNF cat. states : « Counterfeit ed. indicated by E. Weller (Die falschen und fingirten Druckorte, 1864), but not by J. Vercruysse («Typologie de Marc-Michel Rey», Wolfenbütteler Schriften zur Geschichte des Buchwesens 4, 1981, p. 167-185». The BNF concludes : 'Probably printed in France to judge from the typogr. material'. Indeed, from the title-page onwards, this ed. has the characteristics of a French printing: signatures of the preface in small letters, use of arabic figures for the signatures placed to the right, etc. Moreover, the composite ornaments (p. 1, 54, 78) look different from those used by Rey at the same time. If these elements are not conclusive, the vol. has nothing to suggest a Dutch production, or even a book printed outside of France. Reviewed by David Adams and Daniel Droixhe.
Caraccioli 1
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - August 14, 2018
Subject: Car., Grandeur, Nyon, 1764
Probably a genuine Nyon edition. Nyon, a Parisian printer, and Jean-François Bassompierre in Liège, who were in competition in the market to sell the marquis de Caraccioli’s edition, sometimes used the addresses of their colleagues to confuse their rivals and to give greater authenticity to the counterfeiting process. See D. Droixhe, ‘De quelques critères en bibliographie matérielle. Contrefaçons de Stanislas Ier, Helvétius, Raynal et Caraccioli conservées en Espagne’, La memoria de los libros, ed. P. M. Cátedra & M. L. López-Vidriero, Madrid-Soria, Instituto de Historia del Libro y de la Lectura, 2004, p. 589-626 - http://hdl.handle.net/2268/962. Rev. D. Adams, D. Droixhe & A. Piette.
Caraccioli 2
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - October 3, 2018
Subject: Car., Tableau, false ed. Bassompierre
Certainly a false Bassompierre edition. The BnF catalogue states: 'Fausse adresse : le matériel typogr. n'est pas celui utilisé par l'atelier de Bassompierre ; impr. probablement à Rouen, peut-être chez la veuve de Jacques-Nicolas Besongne, d'après les matériel et usages typogr. ainsi que le papier (généralité de Rouen)'. N° Ta61/232# in D. Droixhe, ‘De quelques critères en bibliographie matérielle. Contrefaçons de Stanislas Ier, Helvétius, Raynal et Caraccioli conservées en Espagne’, La memoria de los libros, ed. P. M. Cátedra & M. L. López-Vidriero, Madrid-Soria, Instituto de Historia del Libro y de la Lectura, 2004, p. 589-626 http://hdl.handle.net/2268/962. The title-page ornament was identified as a false Bassompierre composite vignette appearing in an edition of Les Caractères de l’amitié of 1760 and in one of Le Langage de la raison of 1764 (App. I, n° 17* and 29*, App. III, B, n° 7 and 9 in D. Droixhe, ‘Systèmes ornementaux. Le cas liégeois’, Études sur le XVIIIe siècle 14, 1987, p. 39-74 - http://hdl.handle.net/2268/878). This is a new edition of the Tableau de la mort published with a false Bassompierre address in 1760, and with different ornaments p. ij, 1, 203, etc. Rev. D. Droixhe & A. Piette.
Caraccioli 3
Access to the volume: https://books.google.be
This ed. of Louis-Antoine Caraccioli’s work, in xx-79 p., was printed by Jean-François Bassompierre in Liège. It is printed in green, and has on its title-page a parrot which appears in the printer’s official ed. of the Tableau de l’empire ottoman by Joseph de La Porte (1757 - https://archive.org). The ornament is n° 160 in the Môriåne catalogue of Liège ornaments on line. The catalogue of the BnF mentions the same vignette, with reference to Môriåne, to identify as a Bassompierre ed. several copies of the same work, printed in red, subtitled ‘Nouvelle edition, marquetée, polie & vernissée. En Europe, chez les libraires’ and with the date ‘1000700509’, in xxii-86 p. (FB-17888, RES P-Z-2610 (5), RES P-Y2-2790 (1), 8-Z LE SENNE-5327,etc.). The catalogue indicates that the text, in this edition, is different from the one «printed in green» (https://gallica.bnf.fr). But the reader is not able to see that the vignette on the title-page of the ed. printed in red is not the parrot, but a totally different ornament, namely a poppy, as the Google reproduction shows: (https://books.google.be). Both the BnF, and Anne Richardot in her ed. of Le livre à la mode (Saint-Étienne : Publications de l'Université de Saint-Étienne, 2005, Bibliographie, p. 23-24), confuse the different ed. The BnF catalogue also notes, à propos of the edition printed in green: ‘Weller (t. II, p. 154) wrongly proposes Paris as a place of publication and Barbier suggests the address of Nicolas-Bonaventure Duchesne in Paris, probably on the basis of the review of the book that appeared in the third volume of the Année littéraire, which specifies that it is sold by Duchesne (1759, p. 258-266)’. The Épître dédicatoire of the ‘new edition’, which is addressed ‘To the Gentlemen and Ladies suffering from the vapours’, starts with : ‘The colour green having only lasted eight days, as do all fashions, I give you the most beautiful of the bright reds, as it shines on your gorgeously and furiously illuminated faces’, etc. This suggests that the ‘green' edition appeared first. Moreover, the Préface of this latter edition announces: ‘This first edition in green will be followed by another, coloured pink’. Rev. D. Droixhe.
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - July 27, 2018
Subject: Coyer; Noblesse, 1756
Almost all the digitized editions on Internet belong to two types. The first has the same composite headpieces preceding the ‘Explication du frontispice’ and the text of « La noblesse commerçante », with a different title and vignette on the title-page :
a) A Londres, et se trouve à Paris, chez Duchesne, Libraire, rue S. Jacques, 1756, 215 p. + books and journals sold by Duchesne ; vignette of dolphin + sun signed 'V-IS 1738' ; frontispiece signed 'C. Eisen inv. ' and 'D. Sornique sculp.'.
Delisle de Sales
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - July 1, 2018
Subject: Delisle Philos. 1789 6 T. 6 of a collection of 7 vol. missing at the BNF. Plate p. 128. T. 7 on Google: https://books.google.be
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - June 11, 2018
Subject: HDI 1781: O2
This is one of the volumes of the counterfeited third edition of Raynal and Diderot’s Histoire des deux Indes published in Liège by Clément Plomteux in 1781 with the false address of 'Pellet à Genève '. Its origin was identified by Pol P. Gossiaux in 'L’abbé Raynal à Liège et à Spa ', in Le siècle des Lumières dans la principauté de Liège (Liège : Musée de l’Art wallon et de l’Évolution culturelle de la Wallonie, 1980, not. 221). Type 1781 : O2 in Raynal, Histoire philosophique et politique… Éd. critique, dir. A. Strugnell, Ferney-Voltaire : Centre intern. d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2010). The vignette of the title-page, in this volume, is n° 09 064 in 'Quelles sont les vignettes le plus souvent utilisées par Plomteux dans ses contrefaçons ? ', in D. Droixhe, 'Signatures clandestines et autres essais sur les contrefaçons de Liège et de Maastricht au 18e siècle', Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 2001:10, Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 2001, p. 49-198.
Diderot 1
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - June 28, 2018
Subject: Diderot, Bougainville
Diderot, Denis, Supplément au voyage de Bougainville, in Opuscules philosophiques et littéraire, p. [187]-200. See D. Adams, Bibliographie des Œuvres de Denis Diderot 1739-1900, Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2000, II, p. 426, SC1 1796.
Diderot 2
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: Muriel Collart - - July 3, 2018
Subject: Diderot, Esprit Enc. G16
Vol. from Oxford, Taylor Inst., type G16 described by D. Adams, Bibliographie des œuvres de Denis Diderot 1739-1900, Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2000, I, p. 417-419.
P. 326-327 missing ; pagination errors: 344-345. Drophead initial on p. [iii], [1], [8]. Figurative wood cut headpiece : p. [7]. Figurative wood vignettes: title-page, p. 30, 44, 164, 232, 245, 315, 319, 347, 363, 365. Erased by scanning : composite headpiece p. [1], composite ornament p. 83.
Diderot 3
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - June 14, 2018
Subject: Diderot, Die Nonne
D. Adams, Bibliographie des Œuvres de Denis Diderot 1739-1900, Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2000, II, p. 412, RC49.
Diderot 4
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - August 4, 2018
Subject: Diderot L. aveugles Adams LG4
This is the ed. recorded under LG4 by D. Adams, Bibliographie des œuvres de Denis Diderot 1739-1900, Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2000, II, p. 221-222. Adams writes : ‘ The typography of the title is close to that of the reprint of Diderot’s Pensées philosophiques of 1746 in 53 pages (our PD4), and the making of the volume indicates a Dutch origin. Moreover, this is A. Gerits’ conclusion in ‘A short contribution towards better bibliographical recording of important eighteenth-century publications’, Quaerendo 18, 1988, p. 293, who thinks that the printer was Marc-Michel Rey’. The thin-thick-thin rule ornament of the title-page is typical of other Rey productions that he apparently wished to protect from identification by the book-policee. See the Dialogues sur l'âme (no place of publication, 1771 - https://gallica.bnf.fr or the Opinions des anciens sur les juifs, par feu M. de Mirabaud (Londres, 1769 - https://archive.org). This latter work was attributed to Holbach, but listed among the 'Titres non retenus' by J. Vercruysse in his Bibliographie descriptive des imprimés du baron d’Holbach. Nouv. éd. revue et augmentée (Paris, Garnier, 2017, p. 41). Rev. D. Droixhe.
Diderot 4
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - November 8, 2018
Subject: Diderot, Œuvres, édition in-8° de Naigeon, 1798 [1797]
See D. Adams, Bibliographie des œuvres de Denis Diderot 1739-1900. v. I, Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2000, p. 98-100 : A6, édition in-8° de Naigeon, v. I. For v. III : https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k2060773.texteImage (text/image; Q Recherche dans le document). Rev. D. Adams.
Diderot 5
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - November 8, 2018
Subject: Diderot, Œuvres, édition Brière, 1821-[1823]
See D. Adams, Bibliographie des œuvres de Denis Diderot 1739-1900. v. I, Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2000, p. 136 : A9, édition Brière, 1821-[1823], v.X = Salons. v. III. Rev. D. Adams.
Diderot 6
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - November 8, 2018
Subject: Diderot, Œuvres, édition Assézat-Tourneux, t. 3, 1875-1877
See D. Adams, Bibliographie des œuvres de Denis Diderot 1739-1900. v. I, Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2000, p. 151 : A11, édition Assézat-Tourneux, 1875-1877, v. III = Philosophie III. Rev. D. Adams.
Diderot 7
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - November 8, 2018
Subject: Diderot, Œuvres, édition Assézat-Tourneux, v. 8, 1875-1877
See D. Adams, Bibliographie des œuvres de Denis Diderot 1739-1900. v. I, Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2000, p. 155-156 : A11, édition Assézat-Tourneux, 1875-1877, v. VIII = Belles-Lettres V / Théâtre, critique dramatique. Rev. D. Adams.
Diderot 8
Access to the volume: https://books.google.be
Subject: Enc, méth., 'Philosophie', Naigeon, 1792
See D. Adams, Bibliographie des œuvres de Denis Diderot 1739-1900, v. I, Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2000, p. 164 : B1, Encyclopédie méthodique. v. II = ‘Contient de nombreux extraits d’ouvrages de Diderot’. Another digitised copy, with Q research in the document :https://gallica.bnf.fr. See Claire Fauvergue, ‘Naigeon lecteur de Diderot dans le dictionnaire de Philosophie ancienne et moderne de l’Encyclopédie méthodique’, Recherches sur Diderot et l’Encyclopédie 50, 2015/1, p. 105-119 - https://www.cairn.info. Rev. D. Adams.
Diderot 9
Access to the volume: https://books.google.be
Subject: Diderot, Diderotiana, 1811
See D. Adams, Bibliographie des œuvres de Denis Diderot 1739-1900. v. I,Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2000, p. 165-166 : B3. Comments : ‘Nouvelle édition de B2. Les deux Catalogues qui font partie de cette édition ne sont pas les mêmes’. B2 = Diderotiana, 1810. Rev. D. Adams.
Diderot 10
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - November 8, 2018
Subject: Révél. Indiscr.
See D. Adams, Bibliographie des œuvres de Denis Diderot 1739-1900. v. I, Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2000, p. 166-167 : B4. Comments : ‘Contient plusieurs opuscules attribués à Diderot’. Rev. D. Adams.
Diderot 11
Access to the volume: https://books.google.be
Subject: Diderot Mél. Litt. 1816
See D. Adams, Bibliographie des œuvres de Denis Diderot 1739-1900. v. I,Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2000, p.167-168 : B4. Contents : ‘Lettre de Diderot à Falconet, sculpteur’, ‘Lettre de Diderot sur un écrit de l’abbé Morellet, ‘Lettre de Diderot à Naigeon, sur J.-J. Rousseau’. Rev. D. Adams.
Diderot 12
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - November 8, 2018
Subject: Diderot, Mém. 1841, v. 1
See D. Adams, Bibliographie des œuvres de Denis Diderot 1739-1900. v. I, Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2000, p. 173-174 : B8. Comments : ‘Choix de textes assez limités par rapport à B6, mais avec l’adjonction du Neveu de Rameau’. B6, p. 168-171 = Mémoires, correspondance et ouvrages inédits de Diderot, 1830-1831. For the text only : https://archive.org - https://archive.org. Rev. D. Adams.
Diderot 13
Access to the volume: https://gallica.bnf.fr
Subject: Diderot, Œuvres choisies, 1847
See D. Adams, Bibliographie des œuvres de Denis Diderot 1739-1900. v. I,Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2000, p. 175-176 : B10, édition de F. Génin. Comments : ‘Réimprimé plusieurs fois sans changement de texte, si ce n’est que la Table du tome premier se trouve à la p. [343], la p. [342] étant en blanc’. See B11-B16. Rev. D. Adams.
Dufresny 1
Access to the volume: https://books.google.be
François Moureau wrote that in 1730 the Parisian bookseller Briasson bought the privilege for Dufresny’s Œuvres for six yearsand published it in six volumes the year after. ‘It was thanks to this protection that the counterfeiters prospered’. For example, the Briasson ed. of the Amusemens of 1739 ‘is only a cynical reissue of [André] Chevalier’s edition of 1731 [which was printed in Luxembourg], refreshed by a new title-page and completed by the text showing the renewal of the privilege granted to Briasson, dated December 1738’. But Briasson did not publish any separate edition of the Amusemens before 1751. ‘This little work had at least 28 editions during the 18th century ‘ (Deux siècles de contrefaçons, XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles, Dijon : Université de Bourgogne, Bibliothèque municipale, 1987, 6-7). Neither D. Mornet (‘Les enseignements des bibliothèques privées (1750-1780)’, Revue d’histoire littéraire de la France 17, 1910, 449-496), nor S. Burrows ‘Enlightenment Bestsellers. The French Book Trade in the Enlightenment II, London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2018) mentions this book. For the second ed. by the veuve Barbin, in 1707, see https://books.google.be. See also J. Dunkley’s modern ed. (Univ. of Exeter, 1976; reviewed by R. Trousson, Dix-huitième siècle 10, 1978, 465 who stresses its ‘complete account of the different editions and counterfeits’). Review D. Adams and D. Droixhe.
Dulaurens 1
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - July 31, 2018
Subject: Dul. Imirce Dufour 74
Clandestine ed. by Jean-Edme Dufour in Maastricht. Another clandestine ed. in 1776 by the same printer with the same title-page vignette and the « Londres » address (BNF, Y2-43305). See See C. Kleinermann, L’abbé Henri-Joseph Dulaurens et le monde de la littérature clandestine au XVIIIe siècle, mém. Univ. de Liège, 1998, vol. 2, Annexe 5, p. 169 sv. ; D. Droixhe and C. Kleinermann, ‘Les contrefaçons maastrichoises d’Imirce de l’abbé Dulaurens par Jean-Edme Dufour (1774, 1776)’, Le livre et l’estampe 53/167, 2007, p. 79-101 - http://hdl.handle.net/2268/953. E. Weller, Die falschen und fingirten Druckorte, 1864, t. 2, p. 170.
Dulaurens 2
Access to the volume: https://books.google.be
Probably printed by Marc Michel Rey in Amsterdam, when Dulaurens was employed, for two and a half years by Rey as a ‘correcteur d’imprimerie’. Voltaire wrote on April 11 1768 to Daniel-Marc-Antoine Chardon : ‘Holland is infected by several defrocked monks, capuchin friars, cordeliers, and Trinitarians that Marc-Michel Rey, of Amsterdam, makes work at so much per sheet, and who write as much as they can against the Christian religion, to earn a crust […]. There is a Theatine, who has kept his name of Laurent, who is rather facetious and who is moreover highly educated…’ (Corr., ed. Besterman, Paris, Gallimard, La Pléiade, 1985). The composite vignette on p. 52, 110, 207 looks close to the one found in Rey’s edition of Racine’s Œuvres, 1750, p. 102, 180. In any case, it is almost sure that this Dulaurens edition was printed in Amsterdam: the preliminaries are signed with an asterisk, all the gatherings are signed to 7, and the general aspect of the book indicates such an origin. See C. Kleinermann, L’abbé Henri-Joseph Dulaurens et le monde de la littérature clandestine au XVIIIe siècle, mém. Univ. de Liège, 1998, vol. 2, Annexe 4, p. 165. Rev. D. Adams & D. Droixhe.
Frédéric II
Access to the volume: https://books.google.be
This is volume 2 of the Œuvres mêlées du philosophe de Sans-Souci, i e Frederick II, published in Liège by Jean-François Bassompierre in 1760-1763 in three volumes with the false address ' A Berlin, Chez Chétien-Frédéric Voss '. Volumes 1 and 2 use several engraved vignettes used by Bassompierre; volume 3 privileges ornaments composed of typographical elements. The vignette of this volume is to some extent symbolic, as Bassompierre’s workshop in rue Sainte-Catherine had a sign indicating ' The Printing House ' (D. Droixhe, 'Une contrefaçon liégeoise des Œuvres du philosophe de Sans-Souci ', in Formen der Aufklärung und ihrer Rezeption-Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag v. Ulrich Ricken, Hrsg. R. Bach, R. Desné, G. Hassler, Tübingen : Stauffenburg, 1999, p. 161-189 / http://hdl.handle.net/2268/1860 - In D. Droixhe, 'Signatures clandestines et autres essais sur les contrefaçons de Liège et de Maastricht au 18e siècle', Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 2001:10, Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 2001, p. 49-198.
Access to the volume: https://books.google.fr
Subject: Dufour's edition of N. Fréret, Œuvres philosophiques
Reviewer: Muriel Collart, with the collaboration of David Adams - - April 19, 2019
This edition published in 1776 with a false London address, with no mention of a printer, was produced by Jean-Edmé Dufour and Philippe Roux in Maastricht (Netherlands). The vignette on the title page is also in Simon Lefebvre's Œuvres complètes (Maestricht, J.-E. Dufour et P. Roux, 1778, 1: 86) and in the Nouvelles recherches sur la science des médailles, inscriptions et hiéroglyphes antiques by Louis Poinsinet de Sivry (Maastricht, J.-E. Dufour et P. Roux, 1778, 53). The engraved headpiece p. [1] is used on p. [3] of volume 4 of the edition of the Œuvres complètes (1780) of Beaumarchais which has been shown to be an authentic Maestricht printing (see Daniel Droixhe, “La philosophie avec style: Dufour et Roux” in “Signatures clandestines et autres essais sur les contrefaçons de Liège et de Maastricht au 18e siècle”, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 2001:10, Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2001, pp. 49-198). The engraved headpiece on p. [329] is also reproduced in the Maastricht editions of Montesquieu's Lettres persanes and Helvetius’ Le vrai sens du système de la nature (see Daniel Droixhe, “Signatures clandestines…”, op cit, ch. 8). If the ornamental capital (the letter "L", p. [1] and p. [191]) seems to be part of a series engraved by Depas, the background details distinguish it from that reproduced in the Relation abrégée d’un voyage fait dans l’intérieur de l’Amérique méridionale by Charles-Marie de La Condamine (Maestricht, J.-E.Dufour et P. Roux, 1778, p. 215) and in two volumes (I, p. [1]; VI, p. [1]) of the clandestine Maastricht edition of the Œuvres de Brantôme of 1779 (see Muriel Collart, “Des beaux ornements aux belles bibliothèques. À propos de l’édition clandestines des Œuvres de Brantôme par Jean-Edme Dufour (Maastricht, 1779)”, Histoire et civilisation du livre, Droz, 2017:13).
Access to the volume: https://books.google.be
This work is an imitation of Giovan Battista Marino’s Adone by Élie-Catherine Fréron and the duke of Estouteville. It was published by Denis de Boubers in Liège. The title-page ornament appears in his material as n° 154 in the Nouveau môriåne, e-catalogue of Liège ornaments (http://promethee.philo.ulg.ac.be). This vignette also appears in Boubers’ ed. of Imbert's Fables nouvelles, 1774, p. 42. Another vignette, n° 67 in the N.M. (p. iv in the Vrais plaisirs) embellishes many other productions by Boubers and his son-in-law Lemarié: Watin, L'Art du peintre, 1774, p. xxvii ; Colardeau, Œuvres complètes, 1778, v. II, p. 184 (https://books.google.be); Walef, Œuvres choisies, 1779, p. 202 (https://books.google.be). Another Liège counterfeit ed. of the Vrais plaisirs was published by Jean-François Bassompierre in 1750 and 1751, according to Hugo Hayn (Bibliotheca erotica et curiosa monacensis. Verzeichniss französischer, italienischer, spanischer, englischer, holländischer und neulateinischer erotica und curiosa, von welchen keine deutschen Uebersetzungen bekannt sind, Berlin : M. Harrwitz, 1889, n° 472). This Bassompierre ed. does indeed have a frontispiece signed by 'De Meuse‘, a well-known artist working in Liège. Rev. D. Adams & D. Droixhe.
Access to the volume: https://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb32173978d
These Mémoires were among the most popular readings of the 18th century, according to Daniel Mornet’s statistics of the novels kept in almost 500 Parisian libraries (‘Les enseignements des bibliothèques privées (1750-1780)’, Revue d’histoire littéraire de la France 17, 1910, 449-496, here 474-475). Although it occupies n° 8 in Mornet’s ranking – ahead of Voltaire’s novels, as Mornet himself observed, it is not mentioned in Enlightenment Bestsellers by Simon Burrows (The French Book Trade in the Enlightenment II, London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2018). Godard d’Aucourt’s Mémoires had at least 9 editions (1743, 1748, 1750, 1758, 1766, 1767, 1772, 1776, 1777). While it was generally published with the address ‘Amsterdam, par la Société’, its 1767 ed. was in fact published in Paris by Laurent Prault (‘permission tacite’ of 23-7-1767, BnF, ms. fr. 21993, n° 34 ; ms. fr. 21982), even if it was ‘probably not printed in Paris, on the evidence of the typogr. material and practices, as well as the paper (which is watermarked 'Auvergne')’ (BnF, cat.). The same can be said of the 1777 Amsterdam ed. (ibid.). The 1750 ed. has been digitised by the BnF (NUMM-9771409-411). Rev. D. Adams & D. Droixhe.
Helvétius 1
Access to the volume: https://archive.org/
Reviewer: elmored - - June 11, 2018
Subject: Helvétius O.1
This is vol. 3 of the Œuvres complettes de M. Helvétius published in 4 volumes with the false address 'A Liege, Chez Bassompierre, Père et Fils 'in 1774. D. Smith has written that 'the publisher of this edition has not been identified, but it is certainly not Bassompierre' (Bibliography of the writings of Helvétius, Ferney-Voltaire : Centre international d’étude du XVIIIesiècle, 2001, type O.1, p. 1-11). He adds that ' Ph. Van den Broeck has found some of the ornaments of O.1 in two other suspect Bassompierre products : Linguet, Mémoires et plaidoyers, 1776, and Marmontel, Œuvres complètes, 1777. D. Droixhe in his ‘Voltaire et l’édition liégeoise jusqu’en 1765’, in Livres et Lumières au pays de Liège (1730-1830), Liège : Desoer, 1980, p. 149 and 167, mentions several other fake Bassompierres (…). J.-A. McEachern has found two of the O.1 ornaments in vol. 2 of an edition of Rousseau’s Œuvres allegedly published in Amsterdam by Marc-Michel Rey in 1776'. With Cl. Fortuny’s and S. Corsini’s assistance, Smith concludes : 'It would seem that numerous clues all lead to Lyon, and that Grabit and especially Faucheux might repay further research'.
Helvétius 2
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - June 11, 2018
Subject: Helvétius O.2
This is volume 1 of the Œuvres complettes de M. Helvétius published in 4 volumes with the false address 'Londres ' in 1775-1776 by Clément Plomteux in Liège (see D. Smith, Bibliography of the writings of Helvétius, Ferney-Voltaire : Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2001, type O.2, p. 11-18 ; D. Droixhe, ‘Quelles sont les vignettes le plus souvent utilisées par Plomteux dans ses contrefaçons?’, in Signatures clandestines et autres essais sur les contrefaçons de Liège et de Maastricht au 18e siècle, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 2001:10, Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 2001, p. 49-198, ill. 09.036, 09084 ; D. Droixhe, Une histoire des Lumières au pays de Liège. Livre, idées, société, Éd. de l’Université de Liège, 2007, p. 189, ill. 08 17. This copy has not Helvétius’ portrait signed at bottom right by Henri-Joseph Godin, which is mainly 'known as an illustrator for imprimeurs-libraires such as Bassompierre, Desoer, Gerlache, Plomteux and Tutot '(Smith, p. 16).
Holbach 1
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - July 26, 2018
Subject: Holbach, Lettres, Rey, 1768
This is n° 1768, D3 in J. Vercruysse, Bibliographie descriptive des imprimés du baron d’Holbach. Nouv. éd. revue et augmentée (Paris, Garnier, 2017, p. 104). The ornaments are typical of those used by Rey. The book is bound with the Dialogues sur l’âme par les interlocuteurs en ce temps-là (no place of publication,1771), though the two works are separate, and were not issued together. As far as we can see from the digit. of the BNF, this ed. of the Dialogues sur l’âme seems the same as the one included in a volume entitled Pièces philosophiques (no place of publication, 1771) which, typographically, is also characteristic of Rey's productions (https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k6568409n). Rev. by D. Adams, D. Droixhe, A. Piette.
Holbach 2
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - August 21, 2018
Subject: Holbach, Christ. dév., 1776
This is n° 1776, A1 in J. Vercruysse, Bibliographie descriptive des imprimés du baron d’Holbach. Nouv. éd. revue et augmentée, Paris, Garnier, 2017, p. 154-155. Vercruysse notes: ‘p. xxv-xxvj and xxvij-xxviij are cancels. Second, third and fifth lines in ornamental characters’.
Holbach 3
Access to the volume: https://books.google.fr
This ed. is not mentioned in J. Vercruysse, Bibliographie descriptive des imprimés du baron d’Holbach. Nouv. éd. revue et augmentée, Paris, Garnier, 2017, 1777, p. 161-162. With its 172 p., it is different from the 1777 ed. of 92 p. kept at the Bodleian Library, Oxford , and attributed to M. M. Rey, and from the 1777 ed. of 236 p. kept at the BnF Paris, also attributed to M. M. Rey.
Leszczynski (Stanislas)
Access to the volume: https://books.google.be
This is volume 3 of the Œuvres du philosophe bienfaisant, ie Stanislas Leszczynski, published in Liège by Jean-François Bassompierre in 1764 in four volumes with the false address 'A Paris'. It provides a text close to the one given with the same address in 1763. The engraved vignette of the title is signed by a name associated with Liège since 1759-1760 : de Boubers. An Éducation des filles by Fénelon published by Bassompierre in 1760 has the author’s portrait signed 'Boubers' (see D. Droixhe, 'Une contrefaçon liégeoise exemplaire : les Œuvres du philosophe beinfaisant (1764)', Bll. De la Soc. Roy. Le Vieux-Liège 265, 1994, p. 99-103 – In D. Droixhe, 'Signatures clandestines et autres essais sur les contrefaçons de Liège et de Maastricht au 18e siècle', Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 2001:10, Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 2001, p. 49-198. This vignette also decorates the title-page of the edition of Helvétius’ De l’esprit published by Bassompierre with the false address 'A Paris, Chez Durand, Libraire, rue du Foin' in 1759 (type E.6 in D. Smith, Bibliography of the writings of Helvétius, Ferney-Voltaire : Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2001, p. 161).
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - June 11, 2018
Subject: Marmontel, Oeuvres complettes, 1777, t. 1
A false Bassompierre edition. Ph. Van den Broeck has suggested typographical relationships with other false Bassompierre editions published with his address : Helvétius, Œuvres complètes, 1774 and Linguet, Mémoires et plaidoyers, 1776 (Supplément à la Bibliographie liégeoise de X. de Theux de Montjardin, Université Libre de Bruxelles : Centre de philologie et d’histoire littéraire wallonnes, 1980-1990, unpubl.). Cl. Fortuny has established that volumes 1-3 of this Marmontel forgery are due to Claude Vialon, a printer in Lyon, and the others to Claude Faucheux, in the same city (see D. Smith, Bibliography of the writings of Helvétius, Ferney-Voltaire : Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2001, type O.1, p. 1-11).
Maubert de Gouvest
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - October 3, 2018
Subject: Maubert de Gouvest, Mém. mil., Bassompierre ed.
This ‘Bruxelles’ edition was in fact published by the Liège printer Jean-François Bassompierre, whose son in law Josse Vanden Berghen or Van den Berghen was a bookseller in Brussels, at that time established ‘sur le Marché au Bled’. The engraved vignette on the title-page of volumes I and II – the materials for a printing-press and instruments of the arts and sciences surrounding the figure of Fortuna with a cornucopia – is typical of Bassompierre (Môriåne. Data on line. http://promethee.philo.ulg.ac.be/swedhs/moriane/ornSearch.aspx, nr 94). It notably appears in the Bassompierre’s counterfeit edition of the Œuvres mêlées du philosophe de Sans-Souci, i.e. Frederick II, published with the address ‘A Berlin, Chez Chrétien-Frédéric Voss, 1760’ (see D. Droixhe, ‘Une contrefaçon liégeoise des Œuvres du philosophe de Sans-Souci’, Formen der Aufklärung und ihrer Rezeption / Expressions des Lumières et de leur réception : Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag v. Ulrich Ricken, ed. R. Bach, R. Desné, G. Hassler, Tübingen : Stauffenburg, 1999, p. 161-189). An Avertissement de l’éditeur, as a foreword, complains about the theft of which the book was the subject by ‘an individual who stealthily got a copy of it’ and who, ‘even more furtively, had it printed, and sold it and had it sold to the public for his own benefit, in spite of probity, honour and the law’. The ‘individual’ himself confessed to the theft in his counterfeit edition : ‘The author, he says, has had the book printed at his own expense : but being obliged to quit Brussels by various matters, he has been compelled, by a decree of the Government, to abandon the edition to his creditors’. The accusation is directed at François-Antoine Chevrier, who took Maubert de Gouvest’s place in May 1761 as director of the weekly journal Mémoires du temps ou recueil de gazetins de Bruxelles (see J. Vercruysse, ‘Candide journaliste. J.H. Maubert de Gouvest à Bruxelles 1758-1761’, Cahiers bruxellois 19, 1974, p. 46-83, esp. p. 47). J. Vercruysse has shown how Maubert tried, in order to quit Brussels, to clear his debts with his ‘Mémoires militaires’, of which two volumes, out of four, were published in an edition of three thousand copies. Rev. D. Adams, D. Droixhe.
Mercier 1
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - June 28, 2018
Subject: Mercier Ca71-A/63
This copy from the collections of Oxford Univ. (Vet. Fr. II, B 173) illustrates the type Ca71-A/63 of Sébastien Mercier’s Déserteur in the article « Généalogie éditoriale et génétique textuelle. Les premières éditions du Déserteur de Sébastien Mercier (1770-1772) » (Le livre et l'estampe 58/178, 2012, p. 7-64 - http://hdl.handle.net/2268/157652). The vignette on the title-page and the signature of the owner have been erased by scanning (?). There is another copy at the BnF, Arsenal, GD-8647. The formula for this type is : 8°. A-D8 ; [3]-63. Though it has a different title-page, it is the same ed. as the Déserteur published in 1771 with the address « A Paris, Chez Chambon, Libr. rue Cimétière André-des-Arcs, n° 18 ». On Antoine Chambon, see Frédéric Barbier et al., Dictionnaire des imprimeurs, libraires et gens du livre à Paris, 1701-1789,A-C (Genève : Droz, 2007, p. 366-68). Another type of the Déserteur also published with Castaud’s address, Ca71-A/64, has [3]-64 p. and the formula 8° ½ cahier. A-H4.
Mercier 2
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - June 28, 2018
Subject: Mercier Ca71-A/64
Type Ca71-A/64 in the article « Généalogie éditoriale et génétique textuelle. Les premières éditions du Déserteur de Sébastien Mercier (1770-1772) » (Le livre et l'estampe 58/178, 2012, p. 7-64, in collaboration - http://hdl.handle.net/2268/157652). With its 64 p., including the « Approbation » and « Permission, this edition is different from type Ca71-A/63 of the Déserteur, illustrated by https://archive.org. Il also has a different formula and content : Formula : 8° ½ cahier. A-H4 ; [3]-64. Content : Ai r°, titre ; Ai v°, Personnages ; Aij r°-Biv r° (3-15) Acte premier ; Biv v°-Di v° (16-26) Acte II ; Di v°-Eij v° (26-36) Acte III ; Eiij r°-Gij v° (37-52) Acte IV ; Gij v°-Hiv v° (52-64) Acte V ; Hiv v° (64) Approbation, Permission. Same vignette (bunch of flowers) on title-page. This copy is not mentioned in our article supra : it comes from the Archives de la Ville de Bruxelles / Archief van de Stad Brussel (through Brigham Youg Univ.), and contains a lot of ms. changes that should be compared with the other versions of the text and perhaps correlated with a performance of the Déserteur in Brussels. See Robert Aggéri, « Le répertoire du théâtre de Louis-Sébastien Mercier en province », Dix-huitième siècle 35, 2003, p. 519-536 - https://www.persee.fr.
Mercier 3
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - June 28, 2018
Subject: Mercier Duchesne/Le Jay 78
This ed. is type Du 78 discussed in the article « Généalogie éditoriale et génétique textuelle. Les premières éditions du Déserteur de Sébastien Mercier (1770-1772) » (Le livre et l'estampe 58/178, 2012, p. 10 - http://hdl.handle.net/2268/157652). As was observed, on the title-page it has the same vignette as the Déserteur published « A Paris, Chez Le Jay, Libraire, rue S. Jacques, au-dessus de celle des Mathurins, au Grand-Corneille » in 1770 (type LJ70/56). The relationship between those two types should be considered.
Mercier 4
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - June 28, 2018
Subject: Mercier Déserteur Hérissant
Not registered in the article « Généalogie éditoriale et génétique textuelle. Les premières éditions du Déserteur de Sébastien Mercier (1770-1772) » (Le livre et l'estampe 58/178, 2012, p. 10 - http://hdl.handle.net).
Mirabeau 1
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - July 5, 2018
Subject: Mirabeau, Ami, 1759 Hér.
With its (2)-376 p. and its « date written out in full », this ed. seems to be the item described by the BNF with the mark R-20968, « likely published in Paris by Hérissant ». Composite headpieces on p. [1], 251. Woodcut vignette on p. 308. Composite vignettes on p. 264, 290, 298, 314, 352. From p. 245 to 376, the « ‘Questions intéressantes sur la population, l'agriculture et le commerce proposées aux Académies & autres sociétés sc̜avantes des provinces’, are not by Mirabeau but by François Quesnay, according to H[eleen] Riper » (BNF, cat.).
Mirabeau 2
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - July 27, 2018
Subject: Mirabaud Opinions 69
This ed. is typographically characteristic of Rey's productions. The use of a thin-thick-thin rule as main ornamental element on title-page and in the volume (p. 1, 52, 91, etc.) is typical of other works published by Rey that he apparently wishes to protect from identification by the book-police, like the Dialogues sur l'âme (no place of publication, 1771 - https://gallica.bnf.fr). The Opinions des anciens sur les Juifs were attributed to Holbach but are listed among the 'Titres non retenus' by J. Vercruysse in his Bibliographie descriptive des imprimés du baron d’Holbach. Nouv. éd. revue et augmentée (Paris, Garnier, 2017, p. 41). E. Weller correctly notes: ‘Londres (Amsterdam)’ (Die falschen und fingirten Druckorte, 1864, t. 2, p. 183). Rev. by David. Adams, David Droixhe, Alice Piette.
Mirabeau 3
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - July 28, 2018
Subject: Mirabeau Impôt 61
The identification of this ed. is difficult. The BNF catalogue does not indicate the number of pages for the 1761 in-16 ed. (FB-3464). The 1761 in-12 ed. of viii-422 p. is considered as 'impr. en France, peut-être à Rouen d’après le matériel typogr.', without any further information (R-52307). The ed. reproduced by Archive, that has 422 p., could correspond to the latter or to a vol. without local. kept at the Ars. (8-s-5210 1). This ed. includes composit ornaments that could help in the identification : p. vi, 1, 98, 221, 277. On the verifiability of the method of comparing that type of ornaments, and its application to the supposed 'Liège' ed. under the address of ' Avignon' (BNF R-44023), see D. Droixhe,' Composition n’est pas raison. Une contrefaçon liégeoise de la Théorie de l’impôt de Mirabeau', De gulden passer. Jaarboek van de ‘Vereeniging der Antwerprsche Bibliophielen 73, 1995, p. 187-210 - http://hdl.handle.net/2268/1601.
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - June 11, 2018
Subject: Montesquieu, Oeuvres, 1772, vol. 2
This is volume 2 of the Œuvres de Monsieur de Montesquieu. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée et considérablement augmentée par l’Auteur, published in 3 volumes with the false address 'A Londres, Chez Nourse ' in 1772 by Jean-François Bassompierre in Liège (see D. Droixhe, 'Signatures clandestines et autres essais sur les contrefaçons deLiège et de Maastricht au 18e siècle', Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 2001:10, Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 2001, p. 49-198, chap. 1).
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - June 11, 2018
Subject: Morelly, Le prince, 1751
It has been argued that this clandestine edition may come from Jean-François Bassompierre’s workshop in Liège, judging by the composition of its ornaments, which are made up of typographical elements used in other official or clandestine editions produced by him. The same material may have been used for his editions of Morelly’s Lettres de Louis XIV (Liège, Bassompierre, 1755) or even Morelly’s Code de la nature (Par-tout, Chez le Vrai Sage, 1755) and Diderot’s Philosophie morale réduite à ses principes (Venise, Société des Libraires, 1751 ; D. Adams, Bibliographie des œuvres de Denis Diderot 1739-1900, Ferney-Voltaire, Centre international d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2000, II, p. 364, PY2). See D. Droixhe, 'Signatures clandestines et autres essais sur les contrefaçons de Liège et de Maastricht au 18e siècle', Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 2001:10, Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 2001, p. 49-198.
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - July 20, 2018
Subject: Pinto Traité
M. M. Rey’s typographical style (composite ornaments). See J. Vercruysse, 'Typologie de Marc-Michel Rey', Wolfenbütteler Schriften zur Geschichte des Buchwesens 4, 1981, p. 167-185.
Pluche 1
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - June 11, 2018
Subject: Pluche, N.-A., Le spectacle de la nature, Paris: Frères Estienne [Liège: Bassompierre], 1771, t. 8, Seconde partie
This is one of the volumes of Le spectacle de la nature by the abbé Noël-Antoine Pluche, counterfeited in by Jean-François Bassompierre in Liège with the false address 'A Paris, Chez les Frères Estienne, rue S. Jacques, à la Vertu '. The vignette of the title-page is used by Bassompierre in J. Harroy, Traité de géométrie pratique, Liège, Bassompierre, 1745, L.-A. Caraccioli, Lettres récréatives et morales sur les mœurs du temps, Paris et Liège, Bassompierre, 1767, t. II, titre, etc. The frontispiece is signed 'de Boubers ', the name of several members of a family active in the field of printing in Liège at that time. This practice of counterfeiting, and the commercial device used by Bassompierre for selling it to the detriment of the Estienne were denounced by Diderot in the Lettre sur la liberté de la presse (see D. Droixhe, 'Signatures clandestines et autres essais sur les contrefaçons deLiège et de Maastricht au 18e siècle', Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 2001:10, Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 2001, p. 49-198, ill. 01 020, 01 021 ; D. Droixhe, Une histoire des Lumières au pays de Liège. Livre, idées, société, Éd. de l’Université de Liège, 2007, p. 111-112.
Pluche 2
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - June 11, 2018
Subject: Pluche, Spectacle, Bassompierre, 1752, t. 8
A true Bassompierre edition produced by the Liège printer, who issued several counterfeited editions of the Spectacle de la nature which can be found, digitized by Google.
Pluche 3
Access to the volume: https://books.google.be
This is one of the volumes of Le spectacle de la nature by the abbé Noël-Antoine Pluche, counterfeited by Jean-François Bassompierre in Liège with the false address 'A Paris, Chez les Frères Estienne, rue S. Jacques, à la Vertu'. The frontispiece is signed by 'De Meuse ', the name of an artist working in Liège. The engraved headpiece on p. [5] is used by Bassompierre in his official ed. of Henri Griffet’s Sermons, 1773, t. 1, p. 27.
Pluche 4
Access to the volume: https://books.google.be
This is one of the volumes of Le spectacle de la nature by the abbé Noël-Antoine Pluche, counterfeited by Jean-François Bassompierre in Liège with the false address 'A Paris, Chez les Frères Estienne, rue S. Jacques, à la Vertu'. The frontispiece is signed by 'De Meuse ', the name of an artist working in Liège. The engraved headpiece on p. [iij] is used by Bassompierre in his official ed. of Henri Griffet’s Sermons, 1773, t. 1, E3 rº, t. 2, S3 rº, t. 3, III, 193, t. 4, IV, 266.
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - July 13, 2018
Subject: Rousseau, Inég. orig. Rey 1755
A copy of the true first edition according to the catalogue of the BNF (RES P-R-1022 ; NUMM-123145; http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb31257451k). The frontispiece by Eisen engraved by Sornique and the Genevan coats of arms have been erased in the digitization process, but the woodcut vignette on p. 9 is maintained. The title in black and red is here in monochr. black. The BNF notice on the original ed. states that it: « differs in its typogr. composition from the other ed. published the same year, with the same address, and same format: see particularly the last line of p. 107, which in the true first edition reads: « en commun » (and not : « leur résister en commun », ou : « commun »). Edition IA has indeed: « pour leur résister/en commun ». Another ed. at the BNF has: « pour leur résister en/commun » (RES 8-Z DON-606 (15) ; NUMM-6240585 ; http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb31257452x). But these two ed. also differ by other spelling features, illustrated by the same p. 107 : Paternel/paternel, Séxes/ Sexes, etc. Another digitized copy of this first ed. is on Numelyo at the Bibliothèque mun. de Lyon (Rés 340949).
Access to the volume: https://books.google.fr
This collection of works by Voltaire is identified as a Marc Michel Rey edition by the catalogue of the BnF. The composite vignette on p. 177, t. 2 is similar to the one on the title-page of d’Holbach’s Imposture sacerdotale of 1767. However, the ornament on the title-page of the Recueil nécessaire is slightly different. The BnF catalogue states : ‘This ed. does not contain L’Évangile de la raison announced in the title, but it gives 3 added pieces’. The third one, in vol. 2, has the Extrait des sentimens de Jean Meslier (p. 216-300) with the Abrégé de la vie du Sieur Meslier (p. 204-207), an Avis au lecteur (p. 207-208) and an Avant-propos (p. 209-216). Comm. D. Adams & D. Droixhe .
Wolff 1
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - July 25, 2018
Subject: Wolff Princ. Rey 58 t. 1
The initial capitals are taken from the same case as those in the Principes du droit de la nature et des gens, extrait du grand ouvrage latin de Mr. de Wolff, par Mr. Formey, issued in one vol. with the address of M. M. Rey the same year, 1758 (https://gallica.bnf.fr). For the third vol. of the 3 vol. ed., see https://archive.org. Reviewed by David Adams and Daniel Droixhe.
Wolff 2
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - July 25, 2018
Subject: Wolff Princ. Rey 58 t. 3
A wood-cut vignette (p. 137, 256) looks identical to the one used in an ed. of Rousseau’s Préface de la Nouvelle Héloïse published in 1761 with the address 'A Paris, Chez Duchesne' (https://archive.org p. iv). Despite the Dutch address on the title page, vol. 3 of the Principes is probably of Parisian origin (signatures in arabic figures placed on the right, quire catchwords and volume indicators, careful typography). On the other hand, the Préface de la Nouvelle Héloïse was probably printed in Rouen (see R.A. Leigh, Unsolved Problems in the Bibliography of J.J. Rousseau, Cambridge, 1990, p.26-27). Reviewed by David Adams and Daniel Droixhe.
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - August 17, 2018
Subject: Yvon Lettres False Rey 1763
The BnF catalogue states : ‘False address : published in France, probably in Paris, to judge from the ‘Typologie de Marc-Michel Rey’ by J. Vercruysse in Wolfenbütteler Schriften zur Geschichte des Buchwesens 4, 1981, p. 167-185 ; tacit permission was granted to Charles-Joseph Panckoucke on 18 August, 1763 (BnF ms. fr. 21992, n° 477 ; ms. fr. 21982)’. The woodcut headpiece p.59 is the same in Jean-Baptiste Junquière’s Caquet-Bonbec, publ. with no place or printer stated in 1763, p. 7. The BnF catalogue provides the following information about Caquet-Bonbec : ‘[Paris, Charles-Joseph Panckoucke]. Address provided by the tacit permission granted to Charles-Joseph Panckoucke on 30 December 1762 (BnF, ms. fr. 21992, n° 390 ; ms. fr. 21982) ; printed in France to judge from the typographical material and practice, as well as the paper (Auvergne) ; headpieces and tailpieces engraved on wood. https://gallica.bnf.fr. Rev. D. Adams, D. Droixhe, A. Piette.
Access to the volume: https://archive.org
Reviewer: elmored - - July 5, 2018
Subject: Mirabeau Théorie 1775 2 Pierre-Frédéric Gosse ed. confirmed by title-p. vignette, also in Guillaume-Thomas Raynal, Révolution de l’Amérique, A Londres, Chez Lockyer Davies, Holbourn, et se vend A La Haye, Chez P.F. Gosse, Libraire de la Cour, 1781, title-p. For Gosse’s ed. of HDI, see for ex. the crit. ed., dir. A. Strugnell, Ferney-Voltaire : Centre intern. d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2010, type 1777: 01b. According to a BNF note, this volume « is composed of the translation of a text by another writer, John Arbuthnot, An Inquiry into the Connection between the Present Price of Provisions and the Size of Farms (London, 1773) » (BNF R-20976) | |
